This morning, I was singing this song as I was getting ready to go to church. During the worship service, it was the last song sang before the message. This song has been special to me since just after the girls were born. One Sunday evening, I attended church while the girls were still in the hospital, and Paige was still not very healthy. Pastor Joe used this song, and during the second verse, referring to the newborn baby, he had a few of the newborns that were in our church brought forward. I think people thought that this would be hard for me, but instead, it was a huge blessing. That night, I was blessed by that verse, and what it meant for my girls who were already facing "uncertain days." Today, I am blessed because I know that this song is true for me and for my girls, and I can trust our uncertain days to the Lord. I am looking forward to 2007, not because I think that it will be a less painful year, but because I know that no matter how uncertain my future is, I can face it, because HE lives!
Because He Lives
God sent His son, they called Him JesusHe came to love, heal, and forgive.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain.
And then as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone!
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!
Words: Bill & Gloria Gaither
thanks for your testimony tonight. It was fun to hang out and talk to you at the party. I was hoping you would stay so we could just sort of chat and not be leaving or on our way to do something important when we talked. You know? :)
So, did the girls make it until midnight? I almost called to wish them happy new year, but then I imagined you guys all asleep and I didn't want to disturb. :)
Happy New Year!
Gretchen, you can read my post this morning and see how it went! They stayed up SO late, that they are still snoozing now.
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