Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

Monday, January 22, 2007

I finally got tagged..thanks Brittany

Ok, Brittany tagged me to do the abc's, SO here goes...


a: available or single?: married and committed

b: best friend: Hm, I have to spread it around, I am alot of work these days, But probably my two girls, Peyton and Paige

c: cake or pie: cake, unless it is chocolate pie, and I love that too!
d: drink of choice: diet cherry coke
f: favorite color: saphirre blue

g: gummy bears or gummy worms: worms are the best!

h: hometown: __Danville __________
i: indulgence: nutter butters

January or February: February, because my girls were born the 25th
k: kids and names: __Paige Elizabeth and Peyton Amanda_________
l: Life is incomplete without....: God and His blessings!
m: marraige date: June 1, 1996

n: number of siblings: 1

o: oranges or apples: apples,though I JUST ate an orange!
p: phobias or fears: Not knowing the future. And I have a phobia of large costumed adults (it is true, ask Brad about the giant Pooh Bear that nearly did me in!

q: favorite quote: From Job, "I had heard of God, but now I have seen God." (sorry, a paraphrase)
r: reasons to smile: my girls asleep in their beds, my cute little Ella
s: season: summer all the way

t: tag three or four people: I don't know anyone to tag that hasn't been about Jen Murray, Betty, and Aunt Shawn

u: unknown fact about me: I once won tickets for my whole family to a Cubs game by winning a reading contest at our local library (what a strange prize for a group of avid readers!)

v: vegetables you don't like: Green beans!
w: worst habbit: emotional eating, letting clean laundry pile, biting my nails. (the list goes on and on!)

x: Hey, there's no x!
y: favorite food: hmm, not sure what that would be, probably something Mexican

z: zodiac: Leo


Grandad & Nana said...

Hi San,
I'm on. :) Send the ABC's on. This will be my first real project. We are praying you will have a blessed day. Write me!

Anonymous said...

I forgot about your fear of costumed adults. That's one of the funniest storries, now that I remember.

You're right, it's a funny prize for readers. I would've given the tickets away. Not my thing, reader or not. ha! That was something I did't know about you. I'm kind of surprised I didn't know it.

Anonymous said...

i don't know what a tag is, but i liked the abc thing. hope your week is a fruitful one. the girls had a lot of fun at their party yesterday, but boy were they tired!paige went to sleep while watching a great show. peyton and i weren't far behind her. love mom

Gretchen said...

Since you hadn't blogged in a view days, I knew you'd have several posts saved up. Yesterday morning was also "sore" for me because I could hardly let myself think about not going to Sunday School with the kiddos. I miss them so much, it makes me cry any time I dwell on it too much. Tell the girlies I said hi, and that I REALLY REALLY hope to see them when they come through.

I realize this post sounds SO SAD, but actually I have a lot of grace right now, and even through my tears I feel like I am resting on the sovereign plan the Lord has for us. We were listening to a Caedman's Call CD where one of the lyrics was: "and you know the plan you have for me. . . and you can't plan the ends and not plan the means. . ." It is a comforting thought to know that He is planning what I should be, as well as the steps along the way.

Miss you!

James and Christen said...

Thanks so much for your recent comment on my blog. You have been such an encouragment to me and I am thankful for your example of faithfulness no matter what.

Loved your "L" and "Q"!

Praying for you daily, thanks for keeping in touch.
