Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

mothers day..again


oh..and..Happy Mother's Day to me....I love my girls! I can't say enough about how special Paige and Peyton are, and how blessed I am to be their mother. I had dinner with them, and brought them home after I finished work tonight. Those two are not afraid to show others how they feel about them, and I am often on the receiving end of their demonstrations of love. It is the best feeling to walk into a restaurant, and have them jump up to greet me with a hug and a kiss and an "I missed you Mommy." They have stuck with me through some tought times, and been my biggest cheerleaders. We have the best time together. I can honestly say these two are a few of my best friends...I love you, baby girls!
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Brittany said...

Happy Mother's Day, San. I honestly have been so impressed with the way you've mothered your girls over and over. You think of things in the long term, that I never would have. I'm proud of the way you seek God and Godly cousil. Keep it up. Your girls are an absolute delight to me.

Love ya, girl.

Anonymous said...

The scene at Monicals was a treat for all of us last night. Boy, were they glad to see you!!! We ate and laughed and ate and laughed some more. Got a free drink and pizza for all the entertainment we provided!! Happy Mothers Day to you, Sandy. And to Jamie, Happy Mothers Day also to numero uno auntie. Gram