I will admit, I never thought I would post a 38 week picture. Right now, I sincerely hope I don't post one for 40! But I am confident that God would give grace for that too! I haven't been sleeping well. Last night I spent most of on the couch, and walking around the house. I had contractions for most of the night, they were every 3-6 minutes, but they weren't very strong all the time, and each one was less than a minute long. So hopefully I will get more rest tonight! I am still trying to homeschool the girls regularly up until the last possible minute. I need prayer to be a patient mom to my two fourth graders. They have been troopers, active troopers, but loving and understanding non-the-less. I have had huge support from all my family and my husband (even though HE slept all night..didn't even notice when I ran the shower at 2 am!)